Saturday, November 30, 2013


Dear Reader,

  Hello. Wow. That was bland. How this? Well hey there, reader? Whatsup? Ok.. that's no good either.. Oh, well. Hiya Folks. That is soo boring.. I'm to tired to figure out how to start and say hi! Good greif.. Well, now look ye here! I'm already about done with a paragraph! Horray! My stalling and babbling has occupied your time! Mawahahaha! Ok.. I'll be forward with you: If you are reading this,
 1. You are wasting your time.
 2. You are thinking about something else or you would be gone by now.
 3. You have just been called reader.
 4. You just realized number 3 was so nuts that number 4 is doomed to be wasted also as a dumb number.
 5. You should go read something else.

Truth is folks, I'm boring! and if my life was really interesting for a blog why would I want to share it with strangers?? Yikes!
 To all those I know what are reading this. Hi Julia, Rachel, and I'll just tell Jess hi next time I pass her. I hear her talkin' right now so no use in correcting,... wait.. correcting what? ugg! Goodness! I much be tired! I'll share more about my awesome life next time, when I have nothing else to do. Till then! - Winner Of Most Boring Blog Post Ever.


  1. Julia! :D Hi! ;) I really do think that you were tired because you said, and I quote you, "I much be tired!" :D So, I think all of your readers believe you when you say that you are tired! :D I for one, believe you! :D

    -Julia Ryan

    P.s. When are you going to put a followers button on?! :D

  2. You do NOT have the most boring life ever!!! I enjoy reading your random and funny posts. I had been wondering why it had been a little while since you posted. Please don't stop. We like you! =)

  3. Hi Julia!!!!! I miss your silly posts! You have officially been nominated for the Sunshine Award by the bestest sister ever!! Haha ;) Anywho, here is the link.

    ~Love from your sister, Jess. <3

  4. Dear Rachel and Julia,
    Thank you so much! tehe! Yea.. I was silly!

  5. Bahahah! Okay, I just re-read that for myself.. I did say I much be tired! xD Boy oh boy! xD

    Julia L. C.
