Friday, July 3, 2015

Bucked Again..

Greetings Ya'll!
     I know that is has been way too long since I was on and I apologize. I have a lot to catch up on and a lot to say, but I'll make it some-what short for ya'lls reading convenience. ;)
     We sold Precious. Very long story short we finally found a buyer. They bought her for $100, which is practically nothing in the horse world, but we just needed her gone I suppose.
     She was unride-able for us. Her new owners said that they rode her several times and that she bucked the first two, calmed down, then bucked again. They said she had a, "VERY aggressive buck!" They might keep her, but the people said not to worry, if they didn't keep her they would make sure she went to a good home.
     We also got rid or her because she ate ALOT! Very, very fat.. Our pasture could use a break. ;)
     Third reason is that we were afraid she might rub off her bad habits on Carmel.
    She is a good horse. We had some fun days on her! But then things went wrong. I hope someone else has a great time on her. She deserves it.

Precious' Grrr Face (lol)
The Pasture Occupants Currently
   I rode Carmel today! I lean on him almost everyday, but I've actually sat on him three times, well five after today. He bucked. Yup. It was kinda scary. The Lord gave me strength though! God softened the very ground beneath me when I fell. I barely felt it! We backed him up and walked him forward and around and around. You must move a horse's feet to humble them when they are bad. Then I was shaking and really nervous but mom encouraged me and I prayed and then I pictured Carmel being calm and safe. I got on, and I got off. It was such a blessing! The Lord preformed a miracle! (Well, several.)
1. I didn't die! I didn't get hurt at all.
2. Carmel relaxed after bucking and didn't stay riled up like Precious did. (Phew)
3. This terrified girl actually GOT BACK ON! :D

    There is a horse saying, its simple, scary and deathly true:

                                                Always Get Back On.

   Scary, huh? I never really lived it until today. It really teaches us to rely on Christ's strength!
 Here are some pictures. :) (This happened like, an hour ago. I <3 recent pictures! lol)
 This picture (above) was literally taken about 30 seconds before he bucked and I hit the ground!
 (Above) The second mounting. Notice the difference between this picture and the last. See where his head is?! Really high and poised then. Relaxed and not obviously ready for action here. Back legs are different too. His tail is tucked in the first picture. So many signs of tension! Second pic, his tail and back leg muscles and relaxed and steady.

 See how little he is?! He is small for his age and genealogy, but he is strong! I love him so much!
The head is back up, and he is unsteady my moving his foot a little. I think this pic was before I mounted for the second time. Hm. :)

 Bye For now!



  1. How cool!! I'm so glad you got to ride Carmel and that God kept you from being hurt!! =D Thank you for posting. =)
    Love ya!

  2. Thanks Mikayla!! I'm glad I'm not hurt as well. :P thank you for commenting!
