Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Promises of New Chicks, A Backyard Donkey, and An Update!

   From the title of this post, (Do I usually start my blog posts like this, or is it me?!? xD ) you may think that this is going to be, 'A long one,' but alas, my friends, it shall be nothing of the sort! Tehehe
Actually I plan on my blogging style changing from now onward and upward to be more SNS (Short n' Sweet) than ever before! This doesn't mean that I'm brief, but it means that I don't go on and on and on and on and on... you catch my drift.

   The second thing I want to do in my blog-o-style is to get more pictures in here! It really makes it quite beautiful, and the picture in you head of what I'm talking about will be clearer. (Duh)

   "So where is this picture she hath promised upon us?" You may ask. Well since the camera stick is in the other computer, probably along with all our recent photos... I'll have to find an older picture to show you! But when I can I'll show you pictures of my donkey, Memphis, and my other animals, including our chicks that recently hatched (!) I will.  Anywho, here is probably my most favorite 'old' picture:

Precious with colt Carmel

Sigh... Isn't he the cutest little thing??? By the way you probably noticed that this is now the background of my blog! Lol I had forgotten about that.. Well it's okay: no one can see my adorable Carmi too many times!

Well I've gtg for now! Thank you so much for reading my blog!!!
In Christ,
                          Julia Lynn Coggins


  1. Love your blog, would love if you checked out mine sometime xx

    1. Hey Aimerose! Thank you so much for stopping by! I checked out your blog: awesome! Keep it up! Im not really involved in fashion, but my sister is! You sound alot like her. <3 do you know about her blog? Its
      Thanks again for stopping by!
      In Him, Julia

  2. Such a nice photo!
    Would you like to follow each other? Let me know! :)

    1. Thank you so much! Don't you just love the colt I'm blessed with?!? I certainly do!! Lol thanks for stoppin' by!
      In Him,

  3. Love the photos. ;)
