Thursday, September 25, 2014

Picture Post! (I love Carmel!)

Greetings Reader!
     Thank you for reading my blog! Anyway, this post is about my darling colt, Carmel! Let me see if I can find a picture.... Aha!

 Aww look how cute he is! I love the angle of this picture! You can see how beautiful and perfect his blaze is and those healthy, curious eyes... :) aww!

Here is a picture of my Memphis boy! (My favorite donkey ever!) You would be surprised how jealous Memphis gets of Carmel and Carmel of Memphis while I spend time with one the other one! They don't understand that I love them both! Sweeties..


    And here is Lucy! My brother and I share this dog. She can be a stinker! She doesn't always want to come, and things like that! Lucy is from a pound in Michigan. We got her when we used to live up there. (She is about 11 years old!) I call her Goosy because it rhymes with Lucy. lol 
Well I've got to go! Bye for now! 
In Christ there is healing.
                                                         Julia Lynn C.



  1. Thank you so much for visiting me! I would also like to follow you, but your GFC button doesn't work properly:/ tell me if you managed to fix it, so I can follow you:)

    1. Hey Fashion! I know I'm having problems with the following thing.. I can't get it to work!! It just won't load on the computer. I'll get my sister to help me on it tho, she is really blogger savvy! Lol ill keep you posted! Thanks!
      In Christ,
      Julia L.

  2. Wonderful post, Julia-olia! =) Haha, I think every single one of these posts has talked of Carmi. ;) Love you, Sis!!! <3

    ~Love Jess

    1. Thank you Jesso-esso! :D yea I think every post has had Carmel in it! Lol
      In Christ,
      Julia L.
