Saturday, May 24, 2014

Goats! (They are cuter than you think)

Dear Reader,
    Hey! Here is that post that I promised you I would do! So, I read a blog recently about a goat, and the little billy seemed to have a lot of trouble tacked to his name! Having lived in a family that has owned up to 10 goats at a time, and more after that, I know how ABSOLUTELY troublesome goats can be! They sometimes do the following, some goats more than others:

1. Jump on you to reach a higher branch,
2. Chomp on your finger while you try to feed them leaves,
3. Get out of pens, (and who knows how?!)
4. Almost run you over while you bring them grain,
5. Get in the way,
6. Eat your clothes,
7. Nibble on your hair,
8. Chomp on your shoelaces,

But you know goats aren't all naughty either! I trained my goat, before we sold her, to let me:

1. Pick up her feet without too much trouble,
2. Come to me
3. Jump up on things when I patted them,
4. Lead on a rope
5.Let me look at her teeth
6. Pet her all over
7. Milking Goat prep. (Take her to the stand and her used to standing still, ect.)

     So you see, goats can be really good at escaping out of their pens, and sometimes they don't lead well or cause a lot of trouble, but they also can be the sweetest little things and make great pets or barnyard friends! Goat babies, called kids, are the most adorable little things ever! You can hold them and cradle them, and they love to run to you and bounce on your stomach. They make a bond with you that doesn't go away with age, and once you show them your love, they would love to show you their own! Just in case your not quite grasping how ADORABLE kids are, here are some pictures to show you what I mean! P.S. all of these goats were ours and all have names, some middle names!

The mom is Cookie her babies are Noah and Gracie
    Cookie was a .. unique mother. Her children, Noah and Gracie were very different from each other!

    Gracie hardly ever got held, she ran super fast and didn't like people, but if you cornered her enough to catch her, as soon as she was off the ground in your arms she screamed like no other goat you have ever heard and kicked for all she was worth! Fun, huh? Well she was small and petite, like her mom with only her dad's Boer coloring. Her mom was a stinker too.

   But Noah was different. If I had to sum up little Noah with just one word it would be Noble. He was noble. He didn't mind when his own mom kicked him away to pamper his bratty twin. Noah was quiet and kind. He made friends with Skip, who you'll hear about in a bit, and Noah was a little shy, but ever, ever so noble. I love you little Noah! He was much more like his daddy than Gracie and his mother, and grew taller than his mom very quickly. He was also much heavier than them!

Mother: Cathrine, Daughter: Lacy Nibbler, Son/Brother: David 
    This picture is almost the whole family! Cathrine, (the mother laying down) , is the Mommy of both of these babies here! The one standing's name is Lacy and the baby laying down is her little brother, David. Cathrine had at least one other kid before she had David, and his name was Daniel, (we had to sell him) he looked just like his little brother! We also had to sell the dad, whose name was Billy. ;) Here is a picture of Billy being.. just brilliant!

   Nice, huh? *shudder* He had some.. DISGUSTING ways of trying to impress the girls! Next subject, shall we?
Sweet little things...
Oreo was a fantastic mother to her babies! Skip and Precious were equally adorable and their mom was quite an angel too! Little Oreo had her previous owner make a bad decision though, and although we probably could have done something about it, I don't think we really knew anything about it. ;( I pray that you are against abortion. If a 16 - or even younger - girl gets pregnant and she isn't married, it is still a God given gift! Life is precious and that baby doesn't deserve to die. Well Oreo's owner thought she was too young to be pregnant ad gave poor Oreo a shot to kill her young. It wasn't right. I can still see a little tear in the eye of the Oreo goat who is a mother to an inhabitant in heaven.
Well I have to go now, but I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post about the Lord's creativity of Him masterpiece:
In Christ, Julia L.


  1. Awesome post! I didn't know that much about goats. =)

  2. HEY JULIE! I'm Ellie from uniquely you! You followed me and I wanted to check out your blog and tell you THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FOLLOWING ME! Your writing is awesome! And your goats are adorbs! Thank you again!

    Peace and Love,
    Bernie (Ellie)

  3. Aww well I'm glad you learned something, Rachel! I'm happy to talk about animals!! Hey Bernie!!!!!! AWW twinkies! (that is thanks in Julia language!) Also feel free to call meh Julie! I'm only "Sir" to my enimies. Fear not.
    - J. Lynn

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