Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Latest: Being Tired and Being Helpful

Dear Reader,
     Hello! Thank you again for reading this! The topic of today's post is, "Being Tired and Being Helpful." I would like to tell you about my day!
Being Tired:
      To start off, I would like to say that, since today is Sunday, we went to our wonderful church and had a great time. I really like talking with my friends and even talking to adults! I also really love being able to participate in the nursery! I don't know if there are babies at your church, for if you participate, but taking care of little ones has always been one of the great joys of being a little girl! Ever since I was little, I've wished deep down inside that I could have a baby of my own someday!
      Anyway, we had two kids in the nursery today, and both slept like, the whole time!! And the one other worker who was in with me kept dozing off! (But that's alright! I don't blame her! I almost fell asleep myself..) I hope you had a Blessed Sunday as well!

Being Helpful:
      Being helpful is a real talent that I don't always have! Helpful seems to me like being there when your needed, but staying out of the way when your not. So really what the key is, is being observant. Why I bring this up is because we moved some bedding around today, and it can be challenging to be both helpful, present, and out of the way! I will pray that we will all be more helpful to our friends, family and even to strangers. All we need to do is be observant! It's all about identifying a need and filling it!

                       God Bless!
                                             Julia L.C.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Julia! I see that you changed the name of your blog to The Middle Child! I read all your blog posts and thought about commenting on each of them but I think it is simpler if I just do one.
    I had heard about your grandmother and I like that you put that she has "forever freedom."
    Yes it was about one and a half weeks ago that your sister got her permit!
    Carmel Apple sounds adventurous! With the jumping and whatnot.
    Snow tubing sounds like fun!
    About being observant, I really like your point! Also I find that sometimes especially when you're in a big group of people, you can learn a lot about them by just watching what they do, how they talk, their attitudes in different situations and such. I guess sort of like Sherlock Holmes.
    Okay, I think I said at least a sentence about each blog post.
    Mission Accomplished! ;) =D
    Keep up the awesome-ness, Julia!
