Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Latest: Rainy Weather

Dear Reader,
      Hello! Thank you for reading this! Wow. I say that like every time, don't I? =) Oh, well. Patterns can become very comforting as they go on at a slow, steady pace, never changing; increasing nor decreasing. Patterns create a safe haven where no startling change takes place, and we can figure out what will happen next. A safe, sturdy, steady haven. Ahh.. Let us all bathe for a moment in the thought of the soothingness of patterns... ahhh..

       Where were we? Ah yes! I just made up a new word! Soothingness. That should be a word. I really think it should be a word! Yikes.. I sound like a nutball! Anyway..

     I believe that I cannot distract you any longer! You must be curious as to what is going on with the title of this post! Well, you might not really be THAT curious, but we shall pretend you are curious and I will be happy because, at the moment, we are all pretending that we are the utmost curious creatures on the planet! Wow.. maybe I really am a nutball.. =D

      Okay, FOCUS, Julia! *Deep breaths*  ..  Ok, I am officially a non-nutball and completely organized! Where was I? Ah yes.

            Rainy Weather:
     This morning, when I woke up, the first thing I heard was the soft sound of rain tapping the roof, windows, and ground. I love the sound of rain. It makes me feel all clean inside and makes me want to jump up and think of bright thoughts, like the horses I am beyond blessed to own and care for. Well the rain stopped after awhile, then several hours later it began again, this time only an icy mist. It was clod on my hands and face! It was also very cold on Carmel's neck. He seemed a little shaken up today. :( He stepped on my toe this morning! I hope he knows I'm not mad at him at all for it!
   Well, I should be going now, Thank you again for reading this!
                             -Julia L.C. 

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